Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Well, I completed step one. I set up a blog to post pictures of my tatting. Step two will be to learn how to get pictures onto the blog and one I figure that out I will join the 23 motif challenge. I have been chicken and did not think that I could do it, but I now believe I can. I feel like the little engine that could - I think I can, I think I can.


Pleasant Living said...

Thank you SO much for your prayers for me! I feel covered with God's presence, and that's because of the fervent prayers of people like you! I got a kick out of your first post on your blog. Blogging can be a bit overwhelming at first, but you'll have the hang of it in no time! Thank you, again! Blessings!

Pleasant Living said...

Just wanted to tell you, again, how much your prayers for me are felt! The Spirt of the Lord is hovering over me, and it's because of the fervent prayers of people like you. Thank you for claiming God's promises over me. That is making an eternal difference in my life. There is no greater gift.
Merry Christmas,